Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Point P: the secrets of the prostate orgasm

What looks like prostate orgasm?

Alain Héril: The prostate orgasm succession of inner feeling, not unlike the habit in men, a feeling of something that goes to the outside. This is why often, it is a gender dimension. It is also a more global orgasmic sensation: it affects the whole body, not just the main genital area. Some also tend to say that it is a more powerful orgasm, more subtle than the usual orgasms. His other feature is that it does not ejaculate size. Although sometimes it may be accompanied by ejaculation.

How to get there?

AH: For stimulation of the prostate. Access is relatively easy, except that it requires an anal insertion or manual level or through sex toys, some of which have specificity, stimulating the famous point P, to cause an orgasm prostate.

What can offer a man stimulating his prostate? Some speak of a revolution, is this really the case?
AH: Yes, it is a revolution since this practice completely upsets the representation we had the male orgasm and the human role in sexuality. There, the man becomes the one who is penetrated. And the pleasure experienced is independent of any procreative dimension. As for women, during clitoral stimulation. Both sexes find themselves in something feminine. This is also a fundamental shift: while thousands of years we in the West experienced a primarily male sexuality, things are changing. Currently, we are witnessing a reversal of values, with the idea that female libido is a type of energy - which is posed for millennia in non-Western approaches such as Tantra - and that men and women must meet in the female area.

It is often thought that the stimulation of the prostate is a practice reserved for homosexuals, is this the case?

AH: It has been for a long time as in the homosexual sexuality, there is naturally a report anality more direct than among heterosexuals. But they accept more the idea that it can also occur in heterosexual anal practices resulting pleasant and particular sensations. In fact, there are many questions, curiosity, but little practice.

Among those who have tried and enjoy stimulating their prostate, the first question is often, "I am a repressed homosexual"? What?

AH: There is in every human being that, in psychoanalysis, is called a psychic bisexuality. Freud spoke already. In the men's sexuality, so there is an element of repressed homosexuality. But that does not mean that all men are homosexuals. The real question is: do we accept this dimension or not? But it is not because a man feels pleasure by stimulating the point P that he is gay. It's simply accept that there is no outright opposition between his sexual personalities: the dominant, pervasive; the other passive. In the prostate stimulation, the man lets himself go. However, this does not mean that it emasculated or loses its ability to be on the side of the dominant. It is simply a game with a more feminine side, more subtle him.

If sodomy is increasingly taboo months, the issue of prostate orgasm often arouses in men and women, a reaction of strong disgust. How to explain it?

AH: In our culture, the anal region remains an area associated with dirt, feces. This is the least noble part of the body. As long as we talk about anality but it remains abstract, it is still acceptable. But when you talk about prostate stimulation, everyone thinks that the prostate, go get her, stimulate ... The anality then creates precise images, which can cause rejection and disgust in many people .

It seems paradoxical that this still known orgasm so powerful in fact remains so taboo; so subversive, even, some say ...
AH: For a long time it has educated men understand that their pleasure was linked to their power of erection and ejaculation. This link is placed in the male collective unconscious. There, it is quite something else. Many think that if they take pleasure in that way, they will no longer have that so. But the stimulation of the prostate is a practice that complements the other. It does not exclude vaginal penetration and all that we know of sexuality.

For men who enjoy it, it is not always easy to broach the subject with their partner. Should we speak of his desire to explore this area in two? How?

AH: It's not easy to talk about because this practice changes the vision we have of what should be sex between a man and a woman. And there are still many women who think that this is the man who makes them enjoy, it should be dominant and they submitted. Everything will depend on the sexual norm that the couple will be implemented. According to her, the talk will be easy or not. In all cases, it is not to talk at all costs, nor do two at any cost. If the couple has a habit of talking about sex, presence of sex toys, playful scenarios, it will be easier to talk naturally to another. But if there is a couple that speaks little of his sexuality, the demand once formulated can be violent for the partner. Finally, if we really need to talk, it's good to do it the way we usually talk about sexuality.

"I did not know I was capable of such intensity orgasmic! "
Rudolph, one of our psychonauts, was one of the few to respond to our appeal for witnesses. He discovered his famous point P . He tells.

"There are 6 years, due to sexual dysfunction problems in my marriage (premature ejaculation), I went to a sex therapist. He offered the approach known as "gender-body." One hour a day, I had to practice my tender and relax certain muscles (thighs, buttocks, perineum) to be aware of their existence. It was during these "therapeutic duties" that I allowed myself to explore my body more intimately.

And there I found my prostate! I immediately understood why homosexuals claimed to have much pleasure in their sex. I did not know I was capable of such intensity orgasmic! That was disturbing. Almost embarrassing. Past guilt (be a man and play with his anus to a form of acceptance that is not easy from the start), I took pleasure in multiplying the tests, diversify the means to stimulate me anally.

Associated with masturbation, stimulation of the prostate (finger or an object hijacked) causes a tenfold increase sexual pleasure. The orgasm is more intense, deeper, longer. It occurs throughout the body. In this I think very similar to the female orgasm .

This sexual practice is a personal, intimate. It's kind of my secret garden. I would just suggest so implied that my lovers can explore the area, but none actually did. I do not feel able to express their explicit request. Fear of being obsessed, an extremist ... I do not know what keeps me. But what is certain is that the taboo remains. As if men could not speak for fear of being considered "gay".

These anal stimulation are rare. Point P is also not in my exclusive access to an intense orgasm: since I find this pleasure, my orgasms obtained by coitus can also be intense and diffuse. As if access to this unique intensity allowed me to develop my ability orgasmic ... "


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