Tuesday, September 5, 2017


A recent survey published by Meetic and Metro reveals the best places to find a partner and why not a soulmate. At work, at a dinner or evening: discover where dating!
All singles have already posed the question: where to find a soul mate ?

According to a Metro Meetic Opinion Way survey, 42% of French believe that the best place to make a meeting , it's dinner with friends. The ideal partner would therefore be at the table ...
If the answer is in first place is because, in general, many think that a person made by a relative should be worth it since it is supposed to know our tastes, our desires, our character.
Note however that this first skimmer made by mutual friend is not flawless and it happens that sometimes it's a ball that you present and not Prince Charming as expected ...

On the second step of the podium more appropriate locations for socializing, there is the work. The survey shows that nearly a third of French have already dredged or flirt with a colleague ...

Then follow tied the nightclubs and dating sites with 30% of respondents who think it is possible to fall the man or the woman of his life in disco or on the canvas.

In fourth place, there are travel or famous travel business that can make (good) games.

Finally, 20% of respondents believe that the place to fall on his half, are the gyms.

More generally, we retain from this survey it is now much harder to getting the right partner it was 30 or 40 years. Indeed, 55% of French believe that our requirements have changed and suddenly, unless a real boost of fate , it is now very difficult to come across a person who shares our desires and our projects on long term.

But unmarried friends: Do not despair, one day or another your prince will come ...

And where did you find your darling (e)?


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